Duneland Family YMCA

Duneland Resale Mission Establishes 34 Endowment Funds for Local Nonprofits

Duneland Resale Mission Establishes 34 Endowment Funds for Local Nonprofits

Dan Johnston and Ann Howard recently met with Porter County Community Foundation President and CEO, Bill Higbie, to establish 34 new endowment funds. Money for these new permanent endowments was generated through the sale of the Resale Shop’s building at 801 Broadway to Northshore Health Centers. The shop plans to reopen in a new location in 2022.

Duneland Family YMCA Grant

The Duneland Family YMCA was the recipient of a community fund grant from the Porter County Community Foundation.

The funds awarded helped equip the Duneland Family YMCA’s Early Learning Academy 5 year old classroom. The items purchased included new furniture creating a comfortable and safe learning environment, interactive play sets like a dress-up unit to inspire creativity & spark the imagination, along with other supplies that focus on using small and large motor skills.

The new classroom materials were specifically selected to follow the Paths to Quality system standards, which is Indiana’s state-wide child care quality rating and improvement system. The goal of the Early Learning Academy program is to engage kids, from six-weeks old to pre-school, in daily age-appropriate learning and development activities, helping to ensure they will be ready for kindergarten.